According to the text, the reason why the compound phosphoethanolamine was considered as miracle cure is
a) its efficiency in curing a high percentage of patients who underwent treatment.
b) some cancer patients claimed they recovered after using phosphoethanolamine.
c) it had a notoriously high failure rate in human trials and it is not really a ‘drug’ at all.
d) university officials from São Carlos have manufactured the compound for years.
e) researchers from all over Brazil are providing the compound to people with terminal cancer.
According to the text, drug regulators and cancer researchers in Brazil are
a) for the proposal of providing the compound to people with terminal cancer immediately.
b) demonstrating phosphoethanolamine is safe and effective and giving it to patients who go to court.
c) concerned and turning to the courts to access drugs that the state health-care system does not dispense.
d) disgruntled, once phosphoethanolamine is being given to patients outside of a clinical trial.
e) granting orders for the largest university in Brazil to provide phosphoethanolamine to cancer patients.
According to the text, turning to the courts in Brazil to access drugs that the state healthcare system does not dispense is
a) guaranteed by the ones who claimed remarkable recoveries.
b) not approved by Brazil’s National Health Surveillance Agency.
c) common in Brazil, although Brazilian laws apply only to cancer patients.
d) a significant victory to patients with common illnesses, but cancer.
e) a right guaranteed by the Brazilian constitution.
Which word is similar in meaning to “tussle” as in the sentence “Brazilian courts tussle over unproven cancer treatment”?
a) Distribute.
b) Struggle.
c) Begin.
d) Claim.
e) Test.
The pronoun this (in bold type in the 2nd paragraph) refers to
a) the fact that drugs that seem promising in lab and animal studies have a notoriously high failure rate in human trials.
b) phosphoethanolamine has been shown to kill tumor cells only in lab dishes and in mice, not humans.
c) some chemists at the University of São Paulo’s campus in São Carlos have manufactured the compound for years.
d) those patients who have claimed remarkable recoveries, perpetuating the compound’s reputation.
e) administrators at the university estimate that it covers about 80% of the orders they have received for the compound.
Identify the option in which one of the words in the group is NOT a homophone with the others.
a) Right, rite, write.
b) There, their, they're.
c) Seas, sees, seize.
d) Ware, wear, where.
e) Buy, bay, bye.
“The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
was established in 1886 in Paris. The aim of
the IPA is to promote the scientific study of
phonetics and the various practical
applications of that science. In furtherance of
this aim, the IPA provides the academic
community world-wide with a notational
standard for the phonetic representation of
all languages. The latest version of the IPA
Alphabet was published in 2005”
(Adapted). Access: March 21st, 2016
The phonetic transcription below corresponds to
American English (based on the open Carnegie Mellon
University Pronouncing Dictionary).
According to IPA, the phonetic transcription
above corresponds to
a) “in ardor to success, we must first believe that we can.”
b) “an order to success, he must first believe that he can.”
c) “in order to succeed, we must first believe that we can.”
d) “an ardor to succeed, we must first believe that we can.”
e) “in ardors to success, we must first believe that we can’t.”
“Connectors, or conjunctives (Halliday &
Hasan, 1976), are a type of cohesion device
that make explicit the logical relations
between sentences (cause, addition,
comparison, condition, etc.). Common
connectors include and, but, however, and
because. Such connectors are of limited
utility, however, unless the reader
understands how connectors function and
the logical relationship each specifies.”
Source: GOLDMAN, Susan R. & MURRAY,
John. Knowledge of Connectors as
Cohesion Devices in Text: A Comparative
Study of Native English and ESL Speakers.
(Adapted) In:
March 23rd, 2016
From the groups of logical conjunctives
below, which one contains connectors that
specify a similar logical relation?
a) Nonetheless, and, as soon as.
b) Unless, if, as long as.
c) However, nevertheless, whether.
d) Because, therefore, unless.
e) As well as, nonetheless, however.
Which of the words below can be used for ordering events in reports, essays and other texts?
a) Then.
b) Over.
c) Never.
d) Straight.
e) Nevertheless.
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