Informações da Prova Questões por Disciplina Prefeitura de Niterói - RJ (Prefeitura Municipal de Niterói) - Professor II - COSEAC (Coordenadoria de Seleção - Universidade Federal Fluminense) - 2016

1 -

“A aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira deve garantir ao aluno seu engajamento discursivo, ou seja, a capacidade de se envolver e envolver outros no discurso. Isso pode ser viabilizado em sala de aula por meio de atividades pedagógicas centradas na constituição do aluno como ser discursivo, ou seja, sua construção como sujeito do discurso via Língua Estrangeira.” (PCNs, 1998:19) Aponta-se como característica desta perspectiva de ensino de língua estrangeira o desenvolvimento:

a) das quatro habilidades comunicativas de forma equilibrada, sem prevalecimento de uma sobre as demais.
b) das quatro habilidades comunicativas, sendo que uma servirá como suporte para o ensino das demais.
c) de uma habilidade comunicativa a cada ano escolar até todas as habilidades serem trabalhadas.
d) de uma habilidade comunicativa, visando assegurar a máxima competência linguística.
e) de uma habilidade comunicativa pelo menos, visando garantir domínio linguístico.
2 -

Nos Referenciais Curriculares para a Rede Pública de Niterói (2010), pode-se encontrar um norteamento pedagógico em direção à busca da construção de uma identidade aberta à pluralidade cultural. Dentro desta lógica, o ensino da língua inglesa nas escolas deve buscar:

a) construir significados fixos.
b) estabelecer dicotomias.
c) renegar o mundo social.
d) abalar crenças calcificadas.
e) descontextualizar saberes.
3 -

When teaching reading skills, teachers need to teach different ways of reading a text. The instruction which is related to reading for gist is represented by:

a) Answer this question: how many brothers does she have?
b) Find out Jane‟s phone number in Kate‟s phone book.
c) Read the label and identify the number of calories in the jam.
d) Decide which is the best heading for the text.
e) Tell your partner what time is the movie session.
4 -

Choose the alternative which has the translation of the false cognates “sensible”, “enroll”, “adept”, “uneducated” to Portuguese:

a) sensato, matricular, perito, sem instrução.
b) sensato, enrolar, adepto, mal-educado.
c) sensível, enrolar, perito, sem instrução.
d) sensível, matricular, adepto, mal-educado.
e) sensato, enrolar, perito, sem instrução.
5 -

Read the fragment from the news below:

a.“Donald Trump will change Republican party rules

to make the nomination process more uniform if

he becomes the GOP presidential candidate..." The

Guardian (Extracted from


Accessed on 23 April


b.“Izzi Seccombe, the LGA‟s community wellbeing

spokeswoman, said: „We want restaurant owners to

play their part in tackling childhood obesity by

offering families tap water‟." The Guardian (Extracted



Accessed on 23 April 2016)

c.“During the trial, the jury asked to be shown round

the „House of Horrors‟ – for once the cliche seemed

appropriate – where the Wests had carried out most

of their killings. The judge, Mr Justice Mantell, said

that a journalist could accompany them, and mine

was the name picked out of the hat." The Guardian

(Extracted from

apr/23/duncan-campbell-cops-robbers-and-me Accessed on 23

April 2016)

d.“If we had been sophisticated and calculating we

never would have started." The Guardian (Extracted


Accessed on 23 April 2016)

The sentences underlined are classified,


a) mixed conditional, direct speech, direct speech, third conditional.
b) first conditional, direct speech, indirect speech, third conditional.
c) first conditional, indirect speech, indirect speech, second conditional.
d) mixed conditional, indirect speech, indirect speech, third conditional.
e) mixed conditional, indirect speech, direct speech, third conditional.
6 -

Choose the correct sequence of the synonyms of the following phrasal verbs: turn up, bring off, keep on, put off, break in:

a) to arrive, to produce, to continue, to grow, to destroy.
b) to equip, to accomplish, to control, to postpone, to destroy.
c) to equip, to produce, to continue, to grow, to instruct.
d) to arrive, to accomplish, to control, to postpone, to destroy .
e) to arrive, to accomplish, to continue, to postpone, to instruct.

Texto I

As questões 03 a 05 referem-se ao Texto 1.

Texto 1

?John Reed was a schoolboy of fourteen years old;

four years older than I, for I was but ten: large and

stout for his age, with a dingy and unwholesome

skin; thick lineaments in a spacious visage, heavy

limbs and large extremities. He gorged himself

habitually at table, which made him bilious, and

gave him a dim and bleared eye and flabby cheeks.

He ought now to have been at school; but his mama

had taken him home for a month or two, ?on account

of his delicate health.? Mr. Miles, the master,

affirmed that he would do very well if he had fewer

cakes and sweetmeats sent him from home; but the

mother?s heart turned from an opinion so harsh, and

inclined rather to the more refined idea that John?s

sallowness was owing to over-application and,

perhaps, to pining after home. John had not much

affection for his mother and sisters, and an antipathy

to me. He bullied and punished me; not two or three

times in the week, nor once or twice in the day, but

continually: every nerve I had feared him, and every

morsel of flesh in my bones shrank when he came

near. There were moments when I was bewildered

by the terror he inspired, because I had no appeal

whatever against either his menaces or his

inflictions; the servants did not like to offend their

young master by taking my part against him, and

Mrs. Reed was blind and deaf on the subject: she

never saw him strike or heard him abuse me,

though he did both now and then in her very

presence, more frequently, however, behind her


(Extract from

Accessed on 20 April 2016.)

7 -

The expression “on account of” has similar meaning to the underlined expression in:

a) The kids had to work, regardless of their ages.
b) He decided to go, unmindful of the traffic.
c) There is no class because of the bad weather.
d) He did that at the drop of the hat.
e) The lawyer sued Bob on behalf of her client.
8 -

In the fragment, “He gorged himself habitually at table, which made him bilious, and gave him a dim and bleared eye and flabby cheeks…”, the underlined term can be best replaced by:

a) amicable.
b) foiled.
c) joyful.
d) sickly.
e) passionate.
9 -

In the fragment, “…she never saw him strike

or heard him abuse me, though he did both now and

then in her very presence, more frequently,

however, behind her back.…", the underlined clause

is an example of a:

a) purpose clause.
b) concessive clause.
c) reason clause.
d) result clause.
e) time clause.

Texto II

As questões 06 a 10 referem-se ao Texto 2.

Texto 2

Multicultural Education in Your Classroom

By: E.K. Garcia

America has always been referred to as a melting

pot, but ideally, it's a place where we strive to invite

everyone to celebrate exactly who they are. As the

US. population is becoming increasingly diverse and

technology makes the world feel increasingly

smaller, it is time to make every classroom a

multicultural classroom.

Multicultural education is more than celebrating

Cinco de Mayo with tacos and piñatas or reading

the latest biography of Martin Luther King Jr. It is an

educational movement built on basic American

values such as freedom, justice, opportunity, and

equality. It is a set of strategies aimed to address

the diverse challenges experienced by rapidly

changing U.S. demographics. And it is a beginning

step to shifting the balance of power and privilege

within the education system.

The goals of multicultural education include creating

a safe, accepting and successful learning

environment for all, increasing awareness of global

issues, strengthening cultural consciousness,

strengthening intercultural awareness, teaching

students that there are multiple historical

perspectives, encouraging critical thinking and

preventing prejudice and discrimination.

According to the National Association for

Multicultural Education (NAME), the advantages of

multicultural education are helping students develop

positive self-image, offering students an equitable

educational opportunity, allowing multiple

perspectives and ways of thinking, combating

stereotypes/prejudicial behavior and teaching

students to critique society in the interest of social


Contrary to popular belief, multicultural education is

more than cultural awareness, but rather an initiative

to encompass all under-represented groups (people

of color, women, people with disabilities, etc) and to

ensure curriculum and content including such

groups is accurate and complete.

Most curriculums focus more on North America and

Europe than any other region. Most students have

learned about genocide through stories of the

Holocaust, but do they know that hundreds of

thousands of people are being killed in places like

Darfur and Rwanda? Despite our close proximity to

Latin America, American schools typically spend

little time reading Latin American literature or

learning about the culture and history.

_______, multicultural education is most successful

when implemented as a schoolwide approach with

reconstruction of not only curriculum, but also

organizational and institutional policy. Educators

must be aware, responsive and embracing of the

diverse beliefs, perspectives and experiences. They

must also be willing and ready to address issues of


These issues include, but are not limited to, racism,

sexism, religious intolerance, classism, ageism, etc.

(Adapted from

Accessed on 21 April 2016)

10 -

According to the text, Multiculturalism Education has become an important issue in American classrooms because they:

a) need to learn more about North American and European history.
b) have to respond to the challenges aroused by their diverse population.
c) want to change their educational system to be more cultural aware.
d) decided to embrace typical celebrations from all over the world.
e) believe they can be more conscious of relevant global issues.

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